Friday, August 10, 2012

My Nail Journey

Humble beginnings.

Throughout my life, I always struggled with nail biting. I remember trying to stop several times - my nails would begin to grow, but as soon as they got slightly long, I would accidentally destroy them and give up. About a year ago, I discovered nail blogs, MakeUpAlley, water marbling, and all the wondrous things in the nail world. I began to do my nails, but my poor, awkwardly-positioned hands still looked like this....
I played around with a bunch of cool techniques, learned more about cleanup, and got more and more into polish, but still REALLY struggled with taking good care of my digits.
Over time, I got better at making my nails even and letting them grow out, and worked on my photography skills.
And now, my nails and I are bffs! <3 They grew out to a length I love, and I found a shape that works for me. I have polish on all the time, so they never (knock on wood) break, yehoo! I love doing my nails more than ever.
Hits Twist
I hope you enjoyed seeing my transformation, and feel free to ask any questions!

- <3 Christie

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